
Soft Furnishing Fabric – Polyester

Love it or loathe polyester is seeing a revival on the cat walks which means it will also be given the 'all-clear' to use it to make soft furnishings as trends from the cat-walk don't take long to filter into the world of interior design. It may be against trends to use fabrics which aren't natural but when you look at it logically most of us are unaware that polyester has become part and parcel of our everyday lives. We may not realise that many soft furnishings, curtains, curtain lining, bedding, cushions etc. are made from cotton and polyester blends. It's the blends of cotton and polyester which make washing and drying fabric far easier than it is when only a natural material, such as cotton, wool etc. is used.

Most of us know that polyester is a man-made fibre and the vast majority of us don't want to know what it's made of and how it's made. For those who are interested polyester in basically made from from PET – polyethylene terephthalate, in other words a chemical compound.

Image: dizzyjadey

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