The old saying 'sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite' is having more relevance today than in the past few decades. Sounds creepy doesn't it? But with the increase in bedbugs and their bites being seen at a global level scientists are trying desperately to find a solution to the problem by mimicking nature with new synthetic bedding materials that trap the bedbugs to help reduce their movements.
The new synthetic material has tiny hooks which trap the bedbugs however, as bedbugs live in the smallest nooks and crannies in a bedroom it appears that it would be an impossible task to trap them all and prevent them from breeding, but it could be used to track the bedroom where the bedbugs are and enable de-infestation via the use of chemicals and pesticides.
There is no definite reasons why bedbugs have increased; it's thought that they may have become immune to chemicals; they are being transported into homes due to increased global travelling and the rise in the number of people buying second-hand furniture.
Image: louento.pix
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