
Thursday Thoughts: Good Reasons to Include Blackout Blinds to Your Window Dressing

Your bedroom should be place where you can relax and using blackout roller blinds will help to make your naps and rest times a lot more enjoyable. All you need to do is shut the blinds to block out the light, and you can enjoy a bit of darkness and quiet in the middle of your day. You will find that the blinds make a great addition to your room as well as your guest room and children's bedrooms.

With so much light pollution in town's and cities some times it's impossible to sleep peacefully. I once had a bedroom which had a street lamp right outside and it was like trying to sleep in daylight!
The great advantage of blackout blinds is that you can team them with curtains to create a great window dressing or use them on their own for a more contemporary look.

Many blackout blinds also have thermal insulation properties, so you could also make savings on your heating bills rather than waving goodbye to your money as your room's heat escapes via the windows, this is despite the fact that you have double glazing!

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